Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yesterday I caught up with 3 of my best girlfriends "my ladies" for lunch.

Four soul sistahs... sharing our lives over sushi and caramelised mochas.

It was so "Sex and the City"

Previously my friends and I have always cast ourselves or more honestly each other as one of the girls.
I have identified with both Charlotte and Samantha but I realise now I am no longer either.
I can still relate to aspects of both characters but I am original... my own person.

It was during our lunch I had to pause and take in what was goin on around me.

Four, amazing, intelleigent, emotional, flawed individuals all sharing our lives.

Our experiences, our disappointments, our hopes, our pains, our dreams.

I am a very lucky man to have each and everyone of you in my life.

We are all unique.
We are all special.

We all enrich each other's lives.

I imagine a world without you in it would have a lot less laughter.

Thank you for being a friend.

Shit... now I sound more golden girls than sex and the city.

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