Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've decided that I can no longer classify myself as "GAY"

The term "GAY" denotes a sexuality pertaining to someone who is sexual.
After careful consideration I have decided to no longer have sex.
Therefore I need re-classification.

From now on I am a "VIRGIN" (born again)

What has bought about this sudden change you may ask?

Mostly because I'm just not enjoying it.

Don't get me wrong I love sex and am privy to a couple of good sexual partners.
But I've realised lately that although the bodily mechanics are satisfied I'm left feeling empty.
I realise now my true calling is that of a "VIRGIN"

I will happily fly the white flag of purity, not of surrender.
I will march in the "VIRGIN" pride parade, among my sisters of religious zealots, spinsters and fuglies.

We may be "VIRGIN" but we are people too.

Don't hate on us because we were born this way.

I will miss my slutty brethren.
I can only hope that they will see the light and follow my example.

Farewell ladies... I will pray for you with my free hand.

1 comment:

  1. at least you didn't write there,, you prefer girls than guys.. hehe :P
