Monday, March 14, 2011


I was talking to my cousin Jamie the other day about how I'm currently "missing..." all these people
(Jamie was one of those on the list so at least it's getting shorter!)

During our conversation, we laughed, we cried (usually at each others expense) and we both came up with an interesting concept when it comes to long lost relationships.

The get out of jail free card....

Wouldn’t it be cool if regardless of what's happened in the past you could just pull out this card and both parties could pretend like nothing had happened.
Kinda a reset at least for any bad blood or awkward feelings that may be involved.

I would love to spend just a day with each of these people.
With no thoughts of yesterday and no promises for tomorrow... just today.

The idea intrigues me

I will apologise to my sister.
Clearly I offended her which was not my intention but at the same time I will let her know that I do not find her behaviour or the extreme way in which she retaliated acceptable.

I'm gonna stop avoiding Hiro. Live more in the moment and just see what happens

I intend on visiting Jillian... I'm not sure if I will actually see her but the intention is there and that’s an achievement believe me.

There are others on the list but I'm still unsure how to proceed with them.

I'm aiming to be a better person... but I'm not a fucking saint.

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