Thursday, February 24, 2011


You know what ... FUCK ME (...that's a statement not a request)
Fuck me for allowing myself to start thinking like this... instead I need to get off my fat arse and go kick some.

I am not now... nor have I ever been the kinda person who will just lay down and take it (Obviously I'm not talking in the literal sense)
I stand up no matter how many times I fall down or how many times you put me down.
I am so much better than "this" and its time I started acting like it
No one can take control of my life but "me", so it's time for "me" to stop feeling sorry for myself and take control

Right now I need some "me" time... as in all about me and FUCK you (I mean it both ways)

No friends or regulars just something random

Yes... I am fully aware of my distructive behaviour but fuck it

I've had the realisation and thats enough for today

I'll do something about it tomorrow

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