Saturday, February 26, 2011


Ok so tomorrow never came...

I'm no longer in a negative head space but I'm not in a positive one either.
Things arent getting any better but their not getting any worse.
I guess that means I'm in Limbo...

Time for reflection

What is gonna make me happy?

Do we ever actually ask ourselves that or do we just cruise along on auto pilot doing what everyone says is supposed to make us happy.

So what would make me happy?

I've had "the job", "the place" and "the relationship" and still I'm always searching for more... as if all those things arent enough.
Is it just human nature... a code in our d.n.a that never allows us to be satisfied with what we have?
It's late and I'm tired and confused.

So what is happiness?

I guess until I can answer that question I'm stuck in Limbo.


Currently loving Chinegos and Japanics
GLEE "It tastes like PINK!" and
Titis & Mydia... a greek tragedy

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