Ok so I made the effort and it was well worth it.
Not only was it great fun with Amina on her birthday but we both managed to pick up each other’s moods while we pondered the mysteries of the universe over coffee and cigarettes.
We asked ourselves the usual questions... why are all men pigs and why can't they see how fucking fabulous we are??? seriously though she is going thru a breakup and we were discussing all the lessons we have learnt being in bad relationships.
Who and where we are now... and who and where we want to be.
We talked about having faith in life and faith in one’s self.
I really like that... despite all the shit that’s goes on life has a way of never dealing us more than we can handle
It's actually really uplifting when you take ownership of the things that you contributed to a "bad" relationship and in the end isn’t that the point.
We make mistakes... we learn from them... then we go on... and hopefully make new mistakes and not repeat the old ones.
She is so level headed when it comes to looking at situations from a logical standpoint... unfortunately emotions tend to complicate things.
I think she is past the worst of it though, and we will be with her to weather any storms that may arise while she adjusts to being a single gal again.
A little vodka and pot can do wonders while you’re in a "transitional period"
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