Thursday, September 9, 2010

Getting a clue

Ok.. so heres my first attempt at writing a blog.

Nothing about me is special, I'm not gifted or even particularly talented but I have noticed that like most bloggers who are "gifted and talented" I share the common traits of

A. having an opinion and
B. wanting to express it.

So I find myself here... trying to generate an opinion worthy of sharing. If your waiting for the punch line or some revelation you may be waiting a while... You see I'm more of a talker than a writer. I could charm the pants off you if you were seated before me... of course I'd be drunk and firing on all cylinders and you (most likely) would be drunk as well. Also the lights would be off and you'd have to be some what desperate, but... those pants would be coming off by my vocal stylings alone.

I've found in my experience that I’m more of an ideas man. By that I mean I’m very good at coming up with a concept just not doing any of the follow up necessary to make it relevant. I blame my poor education, my sheltered upbringing, my sheer laziness and an innate ability to procrastinate for hours on end. What is procrastination but meditation without the uncomfortable yoga poses. By this logic I am a veritable Zen master... I have spent more time in my life "at one with the universe" than the fucking Dalia Lama.

Well if your still reading this then I've successfully managed to grab your attention... Please note you will never get those moments back... So I leave you with these words of wisdom... "Get a life" and I will attempt to get both some writing ability and a clue...

Stay Tuned!